The new Restart Grant is a sector-based grant which is different from the Local Restrictions Support Grants (LRSG) – it could pay between £2,667 to £18,000 to eligible businesses. Please check the details and find out if you are eligible at Every claim is checked and verified and any fraudulent claims will be subject to legal action.
Businesses which are unable to claim the LRSG grant should also check their eligibility for the Additional Restrictions Grants (ARG) scheme, as this will close on Friday 23rd April.
The latest figures show that £20,092,273 via 6363 LRSG payments, plus a further £2,444,992 via ARG payments was paid to East Devon businesses.
Jake Stuart, owner of Stuartline Cruises, said:
My personal and heartfelt thanks go to councillors and officers for the approval of my grant application.
I represent the third generation of my family-run business. The past year has been exceptionally challenging due to prolonged periods of closure and a resultant devastating impact on revenue but I am determined that, with the invaluable assistance of my colleagues, we will continue to contribute strongly to our district economy and local employment for many years to come. My small team has worked so incredibly hard throughout the past year to ensure that we 'stay afloat' - so to speak, for which I am both grateful and extremely proud and with this additional financial support, I am beginning to feel much more optimistic about the future.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Council for its support and I look forward to continuing to serve our community.
Devon Deer farm red deer to produce venison for wholesale and to the public through farmers markets and shows. Sam Turner, Devon Deer’s owner, said
Thanks so much for the help I received with a grant. To a small, young business the support from Council officers means a lot. Their commitment and dedication to help, as well as that of East Devon District Council, is extremely reassuring to myself and other business owners I’m sure.
Mark Williams, Chief Executive of East Devon District Council, said:
My Council colleagues are working hard to process grants which offer vital support to many businesses. Please bear with us while we process the huge number of applications and aim to pay grants as quickly as possible.
I urge local firms to check the criteria and gather the required documents before completing an application – especially for the additional restrictions grant which closes this Friday.
Businesses which have been legally required to close during the Coronavirus national and local restrictions can still apply for LRSG (closed) addendum 16.02.21 to 31.03.21 grants. The final LRSG grant will close on 31st May 2021.
For more information about business grants and how to apply visit
At this busy time please do not telephone the Council, to allow us to process claims. Businesses are urged to check the criteria carefully and read the frequently asked questions before emailing an enquiry. Due to high levels of demand, enquiries are dealt with in date order so there may be a delay in receiving a reply.