Community News

14th July 2023
West Hill Parish Council is quorate once again A Message from the Chairman, 14th July 2023 Following the resignation of a Councillor on 6th July 2023 West Hill Parish Council (WHPC) became…
14th July 2023
Emerging East Devon Local Plan News The next EDDC Strategic Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for 10.00am Friday 21st July 2023.  The meeting is livestreamed and will be available to view…
30th June 2023
Planning Application News 23/1143/MFUL Land to the South of Windmill Lane. The erection of 36 dwellings (50% of which will be provided as affordable housing), formation of access, open space and…
16th June 2023
Message from WHPC PLANNING APPLICATION   Strongvox Homes Ltd have submitted the following planning application to East Devon District Council (EDDC): 23/1143/MFUL Land south of Windmill…
26th May 2023
The May 2023 edition of West Hill Parish Council's newsletter is now available. In this edition  West Hill Parish Council needs YOU! Coronation Fun in West Hill New Houses for West Hill…
12th May 2023
A Message from East Devon District Council (EDDC) Flood Damage?  Help is available .... East Devon experienced intense rainfall and extreme localised flash flooding across a number of…
6th May 2023
West Hill  Celebrates the Coronation of King Charles III On Friday 5th May, events began with the West Hill Pre-school Coronation picnic.  The children had great fun making and wearing…
28th April 2023
Plans for 30 new homes in West Hill Blue Cedar Homes Ltd have submitted the following planning application to East Devon District Council (EDDC): 23/0727/MOUT Land North of Eastfield Outline…