Relocation of Tipton Primary - have your say

The Governors of the Otter Valley Federation are consulting on a proposal to transfer Tipton St John C of E Primary School to a brand new school building on a site at Thorne Farm in Ottery St Mary.

This is relevant to residents in West Hill because some children from the village attend the primary school in Tipton.

More information on the proposal, including other options and sites considered, can be seen on the Devon County Council Have Your Say webpage.

A drop-in session, open to all those interested in the proposal, will be held on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 in the Village Hall, Tipton St John. Interested parties are welcome to drop in anytime from 4-7pm. Governors from the Otter Valley Federation will be available to answer questions as well as officers from Devon County Council and representatives from the Diocese of Exeter.

The closing date for responses is by midnight on 19th June 2024.

You can respond either by:

Please mark your email ‘Consultation on relocation’

Or by post to;

  • Board of Governors, Consultation on relocation, Tipton St John Church of England Primary School, Tipton St John, Sidmouth, EX10 0AG

All responses to the consultation will be shared with Devon County Council.

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