Have your Say! Local Plan Consultation - West Hill Drop In Session 7th June

Emerging East Devon Local Plan

Further Draft Plan Consultation 

Closes 5pm 27th June 

Have your say!  East Devon District Council is inviting your feedback on eight new topics for the Local Plan, the document used to make planning decisions for future developments.

These topics include:

  • conserving the natural environment 
  • retail, leisure, and community spaces
  • additional housing and employment sites. 
    • No additional sites for West Hill have come forward
  • Green Wedges, which maintain the separation between towns and villages that are located close together, helping them retain their individual identity.
    • The consultation requests your feedback on the West Hill - Ottery St Mary Green Wedge.

Further information is available on the EDDC website.

What does it mean for WEST HILL?  Please come along to the  

  • West Hill Parish Council Drop-in session
  • Friday 7th June 3.45pm-6.30pm 
  • Village Hall

Please help Councillors to shape their response by telling us your views on the plan.


How to submit your comments?

You can answer as few or as many questions under each topic as you like but please make sure you reach the final page of the topic you're reviewing to ensure your responses are received.

  • by email localplan@eastdevon.gov.uk
  • in writing to Planning Policy, East Devon District Council, Blackdown House, Honiton, EX14 1EJ.  You are asked to provide your name, address + preferrably email address 

before the deadline of 5pm, Thursday, 27 June 2024.




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