Have your say - Help shape the future of policing in our area

Help shape the future of policing in our area by completing the survey on the Police and Crime Commissioner’s website. It takes a few minutes and is open until 3 Jan 2021.


Message from Police & Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez - Public Survey

As I write to you the response against the coronavirus pandemic continues to affect every aspect of life in Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

The long-term effects of the pandemic cannot yet be known, but they are likely to be profound and far reaching for many of our communities, our businesses and our public services.

Devon and Cornwall Police has played a leading role in ensuring the safety of our both our resident population and our summer visitors throughout this period.

My office has played a part too, working with the private sector to provide street and beach marshals to support neighbourhood policing teams in key visitor areas in the summer months and commissioning additional services for victims of crime.

Crucially both force’s recruitment programme – the largest in a decade continued to operate throughout the pandemic. We have a resilient and well-equipped police force and are able to provide innovative and robust services for those affected by crime because of funding provided by our taxpayers.

I am now turning my attention to planning for the next financial year and would ask you to take a few minutes to complete my most in-depth public survey into the budget. I want to know what crimes worry you, where you think the police could do better and where you think I should make more money available.

The survey takes about six minutes to complete, can be found on my website www.devonandcornwall-pcc.gov.uk and will be open until midnight on January 3, 2021. Those not online can call my office on 01392 225555.

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