Parish Council response to Further Local Plan Consultation

Emerging East Devon Local Plan  - Further Consultation

During May/June 2024 East Devon District Council invited feedback on eight new topics for the Local Plan, the document used to make planning decisions for future developments.

These topics include:

  • conserving the natural environment 
  • retail, leisure, and community spaces
  • additional housing and employment sites.  (No additional sites for West Hill have come forward)
  • Green Wedges, which maintain the separation between towns and villages that are located close together, helping them retain their individual identity

The Parish Council organised a drop-in session on 7th June to provide information and seek the views of West Hill residents. The drop-in session focussed on the proposed Green Wedge between Ottery St Mary and West Hill, it's boundary and the possible inclusion of a development site. 

Feedback gathered at the session shaped the Parish Council's response to the consultation.

The Parish Council's full response can be read here.

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